Following a new corporate market strategy, we have experienced rapid growth in our European sales network, with local and regional sales and service partners now offering Rhyguan machinery and customer support in most of Europe.

Recent new sales partners include Spanish Grupo Impryma, a well-known sales partner on the Iberian peninsula with divisions in both Madrid and Barcelona, BAMA NOW Srl. of Italy, led by Mr. Antoni Verdi, and Grafiteco for Scandinavia, a longtime seller of consumables and equipment such as AVT, which is often used on Rhyguan machinery.

Eastern Europe is also covered by a large and extremely well-organized network of companies selling label printing machines and equipment.

Central management of the European sales network is handled by the newly established Cyan Consult in Vienna, Austria, who is also regionally responsible for Eastern Europe, from the Baltics, across Poland, and to Albania in the South.